TeknowMW3 v2.8.0.4 *updated* Actualización Agosto 2017
Otra versión esta fuera!, se arreglaron los espacios en apodos algunos bloqueos y agrega pequeñas caracteristicas. esta es la ultima.
Otra versión esta fuera!, se arreglaron los espacios en apodos algunos bloqueos y agrega pequeñas caracteristicas. esta es la ultima.
- [MISC] Adjusted maxfps to minimum of 46 (in loader and in-game).
- [MISC] Spaces in nickname/title are now allowed (again).
- [BUGFIX] Fixed yet another IW bug when class was set to one that had no weapon-data loaded (crashing the client in result).
- [FEATURE] Added a security list of dvars that servers will not be able to set for clients. They are:
- “sec_sv_blocked_dvars” and “sec_cfg_blocked_dvars” – both can be set in “config_mp.cfg”, for example:
- seta sec_sv_blocked_dvars “cg_hudChatPosition;cg_chatHeight” –this would protect those 2 dwords against changes from done by the server
- seta sec_cfg_blocked_dvars “cg_hudChatPosition;cg_chatHeight” –this on the other hand, would allow servers (assuming same dvars wouldnt be also blocked using the feature above) to be changed at runtime, but any writes to “config_mp.cfg” for them would be replaced with their default values.
- This basically means you can now protect against some rogue dvar-changes initiated by the game servers (using “sec_sv_blocked_dvars”) or, allow servers to change some risky dvars, but instead, block their write(s) to “config_mp.cfg” (using “sec_cfg_blocked_dvars”).
- Default blocked values:
- “sec_sv_blocked_dvars”: Only “compassSize” for now.
- “sec_cfg_blocked_dvars”: All dvars starting with: “con_”, “cg_Scores”, “cg_chat”, “compass”.
- [FEATURE] Added a new dvar “sv_current_dsr” that is automatically updated whenever a new DSR is loaded.
- [MISC] Nicknames/titles with spaces are now allowed (again).
- [FEATURE] Scripts: Added Utilities.SetConnectErrorMsg(string) function – use this to set error message that will be sent to clients that got denied entry via another new feature:
- [FEATURE] Scripts: Added a callback/event: OnClientConnect(Func<Dictionary<string, string>, bool> func)
- How it works: Once server gets a connection-attempt request, this event will be fired up with a dictionary containing all client info.
- Callback should by default return FALSE. If you return TRUE (eatIt?), it will tell the server to deny entry to the client.
- For example: if (args[“name”].ToLower().Contains(“hax”)) { Utilities.SetConnectErrorMsg(“you hax bruh!”); return true; }
- [BUGFIX] Scripts: Entity.IP fixed, again. Hopefully for good this time.
- [MISC] While B3 normally uses “net_authPort” (that can be used for another service, in which case we increase that port by 1), we have added a new server param “-b3port XXXX” (where XXXX is a port of your choice of course).
- via Mega.co.nz (mirror/recomenadado)
En los archivos anteriores, "TeknoMW3_Client_Launcher.exe" tenía un pequeño error que imposibilitaba establecer FOV que no fuera 90 y un pequeño bloqueo si faltaba la carpeta "dw".
So here is a FIXED ONE!
So here is a FIXED ONE!
PD: Los archivos oficiales de IW Game (IWD / FF / EXE) para MW3 versión 1.4.382 no están incluidos en este paquete, obténgase por su cuenta de Steam.
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